Grades/Academic Progress

Full-time Status Undergraduate Students

Twelve credit hours per semester constitute a full-time undergraduate course load. A course load in excess of 19 credit hours per semester requires written approval of the Academic Dean or Program Chair. Students wishing to carry excess course loads, as defined above, must also have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. Students who are denied approval to take a course load in excess of 19 credits per semester may appeal in writing to the Office of Academic Affairs.

Students wishing to carry excess course loads (more than 19 credits per semester) must submit a request in writing to the office of the appropriate Academic Dean. Such written requests must be submitted in sufficient time to allow for adequate review prior to the beginning of classes. Students who fail to follow these procedures may be required to drop classes they are attending.

Grading System

Wilmington University utilizes a plus/minus grading system in assessing student achievement. Table 1 provides the minimum requirements for all undergraduate courses. Selected programs require a minimum grade for passing.


Table 1. Undergraduate Grading System

Grade Numerical Equivalent Quality Points Explanation
A 95-100 4.00 Excellent.The student has demonstrated a quality of work and accomplishment far beyond the normal requirements and shows originality of thought and mastery of material.
A- 92-94 3.67
B+ 89-91 3.33
B 86-88 3.00 Good.The student’s achievement exceeds satisfactory accomplishment, showing a clearer indication of initiative, comprehension of material, and the ability to work with concepts.
B- 83-85 2.67
C+ 80-82 2.33
C 77-79 2.00 Satisfactory.The student has met the formal requirements and has demonstrated comprehension of the material and the ability to work with concepts.
C- 74-76 1.67
D+ 71-73 1.33
D 68-70 1.00
D- 65-67 0.67 Lowest Passing Grade.The student's accomplishment, while passing in some programs, is deficient. Minimum requirements have been met without distinction.
F Below 65 0.00 Failure.
FA 0.00 Failure Due to Absence.Student did not complete a sufficient amount of work to earn a passing grade.
S 0.00 Satisfactory.The student has met expected standards of scholarship. This grade signifies acceptable performance of the course objectives.
U 0.00 Unsatisfactory.The student has not met the minimum course requirements.
I 0.00 Incomplete.May be granted with approval from instructor. If granted, student must complete course work within time determined (maximum 60 days following end of course). Failure to complete work in determined time will result in a final grade of “F,” unless an additional extension is granted.
IP 0.00 Course in Progress.This grade is specific to Practicums, Internships, and Senior Seminars.
AU 0.00 Audit.Does not yield credit.
W 0.00 Withdraw.No academic penalty.
NG 0.00 No Grade.A grade was not recorded by the instructor.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A student’s grade point average (GPA) is obtained by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total credit hours attempted, excluding courses in which the grade “S” is recorded. For transfer students, credits earned include transfer credits; however, cumulative grade point average is computed only on courses attempted at Wilmington University.

Grades recorded with parentheses indicate prerequisite, post-graduate, and non-credit courses. These credit hours and the corresponding quality points are excluded in the GPA calculation. The grades of “F” and “FA” are used in computing the grade point average. Courses with grades of “F” and “FA” are counted in attempted credit hours and receive zero quality points.

“I” Grade for Incomplete Work

An “incomplete” may be granted with prior approval of the course instructor. If granted, the student must complete course work within the time limitation determined by the instructor up to a maximum of 60 days following the end of the course. After 60 days, incomplete (“I”) grades are converted to a grade of “F” unless the student arranges for an additional extension and the instructor notifies the Office of the Registrar before the initial 60-day period ends.

Pass/Fail Option

Students may gain approval from the Program Chair to enroll in selected courses on a pass/fail basis, provided the course is not a core requirement. This option is limited to two courses, excluding internships. Students will then follow established registration procedures, clearly stating at the time of registration which course is selected as the pass/fail option. Course work is graded “S” (Satisfactory) or “U” (Unsatisfactory).