Mental Health Services

The Office of Student Concerns is committed to helping students manage their mental, physical, and emotional well-being as they experience the academic rigors of college-level learning. A team of caring people provides various mental health resources for all students in a confidential, responsive, and respectful environment. In addition, the Office provides resources during emergencies and crises and implements interventions if students display inappropriate behaviors.

Law students may contact staff in law academic affairs or professional development to connect with resources, mental health consultants, and the Delaware Lawyer Assistance Program for their individual needs.

Mental Health Screening

Mental health is a vital part of an individual's overall health. Brief screenings are the quickest way to determine if you or someone you care about should connect with a mental health professional. This program is completely anonymous and confidential, and immediately after submitting the brief questionnaire, you will see your results, recommendations, and critical resources. This screening also includes an alcohol use and substance use component, as these can play a significant role in mental health.

Mental Health Support Services | Wilmington University (

Mental Health Consultants

Wilmington University School of Law liaisons with a team of mental health consultants, which can assist students in short-term and transitional needs, while working with the student to create a long-term plan, where necessary. Students may self-refer or be recommended by faculty or staff.

Delaware Lawyer Assistance Program (DE-LAP)

The Delaware Lawyers Assistance Program is trained to assist and support legal professionals dealing with issues such as life changes, depression, alcohol/chemical abuse/dependence, gambling addiction, and other problems regarding adulthood and aging. In a nutshell, DE-LAP is a confidential service that provides information and meaningful assistance to judges, lawyers, and others in Delaware’s legal community.