Gender-Neutral Restroom Policy

Students and employees shall have access to and may use the restroom most closely corresponding to their gender identity. Gender identity is generally defined as gender-related identify, appearance, expression, or behavior of a person, regardless of the person’s assigned sex at birth, which is demonstrated by a consistent assertion of the gender identity by the person.

The purpose of our policy is to provide all students and employees with a safe and appropriate restroom facility, including the use of a restroom that corresponds to the student or employee’s gender identity, regardless of their sex assigned at birth. For example, transgender women are permitted to use the women’s restroom, and transgender men are permitted to use the men’s restroom.

Regardless of gender identity, any student or employee may desire additional privacy. Therefore, where possible, the University will make available a gender-neutral, single-stall restroom that can be used by anyone who has a need or desire for increased privacy, regardless of the underlying reason. However, no student or employee shall be required to use a gender-neutral restroom.

If any student or employee has a question regarding this policy, they should discuss it with Student Affairs or Human Resources.

Behavior or action against another student or employee inconsistent with this policy will not be tolerated and should be reported to Student Affairs or Human Resources. There shall be no retaliation against reporting parties for good faith reports.

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