Game-Based Learning Certificate

Leverage the Power of Games

From pre-adolescent to senior citizens, electronic game play is not just for recreation; electronic gameplay is engaging and provides an active learning environment. The Game-Based Learning courses will focus on how to maximize student learning, engage your audience, and convey complex messages with simple and fun methods. Heavily rooted in STEM, this certificate will provide the foundation and framework for creating experiences to explore science, technology, engineering and math.

The certificate requires 15 graduate credit hours (as identified below) as well as post Baccalaureate status to register. Students are required to complete six MED credits and nine GMD credits. Although this certification is primarily designed to support educators, students from other disciplines are welcome.

Game Based Learning Certificate Core Courses

GMD 6000Game Literacy


GMD 6020Game Design and Analysis


GMD 6030Game Audience Analysis


Choose two (2) of the following:

MED 7808Assessment and Evaluation


MED 7809Instructional Design


MED 7810Psychology of Learning