English for Academic Purposes Certificate

The English for Academic Purposes Certificate is for students interested in mastering the English skills required to succeed in higher education classes conducted in English. It is for international students, or for students whose first language is not English, who are interested in improving their communication skills in English, and understanding the American culture. Basic English speaking ability is required. Upon completion of a level, Certificates will be awarded. 

English language assessment results will be used to place students in the following courses and levels: 

Level I 

CUL 11/CUL 111 Academic Communication Skills (3)
CUL 12/CUL 112 Multicultural Communities in Los Angeles (3) 

Level II

CUL 13/CUL 113 Academic Writing Skills (3)
CUL 16/CUL 116 Intercultural Perspectives in the United States (3)