2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Thesis (Plan A)

The master's thesis is required of all graduate students completing degrees under the Plan A option. The thesis represents a report of original scholarship completed under the supervision of a faculty thesis advisor. Depending on department curriculum policy, students receive either three or six credits for completing the thesis requirement as listed in the catalog course descriptions.

Students electing to write a thesis, in accordance with department or program policy, will select or be assigned a faculty thesis advisor. Students select a topic in consultation with the thesis advisor. The advisor and committee of a minimum of one additional faculty member must approve the thesis proposal and the thesis prior to the submission of each item to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies, who assures that the thesis meets University standards for format and quality through her approval. Some departments require the student to give an oral defense of the thesis before it is submitted to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies for approval. When all requirements are met and approved, the thesis is transmitted to the University library. A thesis handbook is available in the Graduate Studies Office and also on the graduate website.

The following University requirements apply to all students writing theses:

  1. Whenever possible, the student's graduate advisor will serve as the thesis advisor. If the student and the advisor deem it appropriate, another faculty member may be appointed by the department chair to serve as thesis advisor.
  2. The student must register for the thesis using the Graduate Capstone Course Registration Form, available at the School of Graduate Studies or at the website. Students must obtain all signatures as required on the form and must register during the regular registration period. To register, students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.00 and at least 18 credits completed in programs of 30-35 credits or 24 credits completed in programs with greater than 35 credits.
  3. Students intending to complete a thesis should consult The Master's Thesis Handbook, available in the School of Graduate Studies Office and also at the graduate website.
  4. The thesis must be prepared in a style and format appropriate to the discipline and approved by the dean of the School of Graduate Studies. Among the currently approved styles are APA, MLA, Campbell, and Turabian.
  5. A copy of the approved thesis proposal must be submitted to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies by the thesis advisor.
  6. Two copies of the approved thesis, one original for binding by the library, plus three additional copies of the thesis abstract (not to exceed 200-300 words and one to two pages) must be submitted to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies. A digitized copy of the thesis is also required, accompanied by the permission form signed by the student and thesis advisor.
  7. If a student planning to graduate in May wishes the thesis to be included in the May Commencement Program, the thesis must be submitted by April 15 of the year in which the student plans to graduate.