2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Special Project (Plan C)

For Plan C, the faculty advisor or another faculty member in the department will supervise the project. The student's work will be evaluated by the advisor and by at least one other faculty member as determined by departmental requirements.

Students in a Plan C special project must register using the Graduate Capstone Course Registration Form, available at the School of Graduate Studies or at the website. Students must obtain all signatures as required on the form and must register during the regular registration period. To register, students must have a minimum grade point average of 3.00 and at least 18 credits completed in programs of 30-35 credits or 24 credits completed in programs with greater than 35 credits. The special project proposal will not be approved by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies, until the student has registered for the course.

An approved special project proposal must be submitted to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies by the advisor. When the special project is completed, the approved special project and three abstracts, must be submitted to the dean of the School of Graduate Studies for approval. Students completing special projects may elect to submit digitized copies of their special projects for posting to the Elihu Burritt Library website. Digitized copies must be accompanied by permission forms signed by students and their advisors.