PSY 395 Study Abroad – Intercultural Competence

We live in a global society and students need intercultural skills and knowledge to be fully prepared to live and work in today’s world. One of the best ways to develop these important skills is to immerse one’s self in another country’s culture by studying abroad. Participating in a study-abroad program can help students develop greater independence, maturity, and self-confidence; the flexibility to adapt quickly and creatively to unexpected developments; and the ability to interact effectively with people from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds, including, but not limited to, race/ethnicity. They also gain many other skills and experiences that will become invaluable to them throughout their lives, as well as to their employers when they enter the workforce. In our increasingly global society, leaders in business, government, and academia are recognizing the economic importance of students gaining international experience and becoming globally competent citizens and employees.


PSY 101, GPA 2.5 or higher, and Chair approval