Federally-Funded Financial Aid

There are two types of federal financial assistance: grants and self-help.

Federal grants:

  • The Federal Pell Grant
  • The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG). Students must be eligible to receive a Pell Grant in order to receive the SEOG.
  • TEACH Grant. The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program will provide up to $3,728 annually in aid to undergraduate and graduate students who agree to teach as a highly qualified teacher in a “high need” field.

Self-help programs:

  • Federal College Work-Study Program (CWS)
  • Direct Stafford Subsidized Loan - This loan is based on need. The federal government pays the interest on the loan while students are enrolled in at least half time status.
  • Direct Stafford Unsubsidized Loan - This loan is NOT based on need and the student is responsible for paying the interest on the loan from the date of the first disbursement.
  • Direct Parent PLUS Loan - Parents of dependent undergraduate students are eligible to borrow credit based PLUS loans for their child’s educational expenses. Like the unsubsidized loan, this loan is NOT based on need. The parent is the borrower, and repayment of both the principle and interest begins 60 days after the second disbursement of the academic year.

Federal financial aid provides assistance with paying for: tuition and fees, books and supplies, transportation costs, modest living expenses, and dependency expenses. This assistance is not meant to provide all living expenses. Rather, the funds are available to assist students to attend college. Detailed information on these programs and the financial aid application process is available to all students on the Wilmington University web site.