Academic Awards

Academic awards are given to students completing requirements for a bachelor’s degree. These awards are described below:

College of Arts and Sciences

This award is given to a bachelor’s degree recipient from the College of Arts and Sciences. The award is granted to a student with a distinguished academic record who has demonstrated excellence in achieving the goals of his or her respective program.

College of Business

This award is given to a bachelor’s degree recipient from the College of Business. The student must have a distinguished academic record which demonstrates excellence in fulfilling the goals of his or her program of study.

College of Education

This award is given to a bachelor’s degree recipient in the College of Education. The recipient must have achieved distinguished academic standing which demonstrates a strong commitment to the education profession.

College of Health Professions

This award is given to a bachelor’s degree recipient in the College of Health Professions who has a distinguished academic record and exemplifies the spirit of the health care professions.

College of Social and Behavioral Sciences

This award is given to a bachelor’s degree recipient who has a distinguished academic record, has displayed high standards of scholarship, and has demonstrated excellence in his or her field of study.

College of Technology

This award is given to a bachelor’s degree recipient from the College of Technology. The student must have a distinguished academic record which demonstrates excellence in one or more fields of information technology, communications, or design.