2020-2021 Catalog

Concentration in Environmental Science


Introductory Biology

Select one course from the list below:

BIO 105Marine Biology

4 units

BIO 106Biology of California

4 units

BIO 110Organisms on Earth

4 units

BIO 115General Zoology

4 units

Organismal Biology

Select one course from the list below:

BIO 240Vertebrate Physiology

4 units

BIO 250Plant Form and Function

4 units

BIO 275Flora of Southern California

4 units

Cellular and Molecular Biology

BIO 130Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology

4 units

Environmental Biology

BIO 260Biodiversity and Organization of Marine Ecosystems

4 units


BIO 270Ecology

4 units

Evolutionary Biology

BIO 280Evolutionary Biology

4 units

Upper-division Biology

Students must select three 300-level Biology courses from the list below. At least two of these must be Occidental College Biology laboratory courses.

BIO 325Microbial Diversity

4 units

BIO 350Microbial Symbiosis

4 units

BIO 356The Biology of Marine Fishes

4 units

BIO 360Avian Biology

4 units

BIO 369Biological Oceanography

4 units

BIO 370Field Ecology

4 units

BIO 373Computational Biology

4 units

BIO 380Plant Physiological Ecology

4 units

Chemistry Component

CHEM 120Foundations of General Chemistry

4 units

One additional Chemistry course (with a lab)

4 or 5 units

Economics Component:

Students must complete the following two courses:

ECON 101Principles of Economics I

4 units

ECON 301Environmental Economics and Policy

4 units

ECON 301: Students may petition for another 300-level course from another department to substitute for ECON 301. An appropriate substitute must deal with environmental policy and be chosen in consultation with the academic adviser.

Geology Component

Students must complete the following three courses:

GEO 105Earth: Our Environment

4 units

GEO 245Earth's Climate: Past and Future

4 units

GEO 255Spatial Analysis with Geographic Information Science

4 units

Mathematics Component

Option 1-

Calculus 2Scientific Modeling and Integral Calculus

4 units

Option 2-

Calculus 1Scientific Modeling and Differential Calculus

4 units


Department-approved statistics course

4 units

Senior Seminar

BIO 490Senior Seminar

4 units