2020-2021 Catalog

BIO 370 Field Ecology

This course addresses contemporary approaches to ecology and conservation, with emphasis on ecological fieldwork in diverse locations. The course will have a regional focus, with the possibility of emphasis on desert, mountain, coastal, or tropical ecosystems. Students will conduct field research, including the design, implementation, data analysis, and presentation of research projects. Emphasis will be placed on the impacts of anthropogenic change on native ecosystems. 

This class has been designed to allow for meaningful field study in the region. Each section of this class meets for one full day per week to allow for fieldwork. The course will include overnight field trips, including several extended trips on weekends and outside of class hours. Two extended field trips will occur over fall and January breaks.


4 units


BIO 260, BIO 270, GEO 225, or permission of instructor


BIO 370L

Core Requirements Met

  • Laboratory Science