2017-2018 Catalog

GEO 390 Special Topics in Geology

Two- or four-credit advanced courses on specialized topics in Geology. May be taken more than once with department approval as topics vary. 


This course will explore the geochemical principles controlling fundamental geologic systems, from the "weathering engine," to the igneous-metamorphic-hydrothermal systems that form and shape planets. This overview of Geochemistry will focus on thermodynamics and kinetics, which allow us to assess these systems with regards to temperature, pressure, and time. Quantitative evaluation of earth processes through geochemical modeling will be conducted using the programs SUPCRT, Visual Minteq, and Geochemist's Workbench (industry standards). Laboratories, workshops, and fieldtrip(s) will reinforce and expand on many of the topics covered in class.


4 units


GEO 305


GEO 390L

Core Requirements Met

  • Mathematics/Science