2017-2018 Catalog

DWA 410 Task Force in Diplomacy and World Affairs

The abilities to locate, compile, synthesize, evaluate, and compellingly present complex and up-to-date knowledge on rapidly changing global issues - and to do so in a team - are highly valued across public, private, and civil society sectors. This course helps students learn and practice how to research, write, and present an extended policy-/practice-oriented report for a real-world client on a contemporary and exciting topic in World Affairs and practice being part of a high-functioning team. The topic and, thus, client will be unique each time the course is taught. The skills acquired and applied in Task Force help students stand out as they venture into the world and towards the jobs and activities they are passionate about in Diplomacy and World Affairs. This course may be repeated one time with permission of instructor.


4 units


DWA 102