2016-2017 Catalog

CSP 53 Genders

Market researchers claim your generation is more gender fluid and “queer” than previous generations. Despite increased visibility of transgender, trans*, gender queer, non-binary, bi-gender, and agender, identities in popular culture, the US Census uses only two, mutually exclusive, gender categories: male or female. Given current political struggles over access to public restrooms, safety, and healthcare, this course asks, what does it mean to be counted? We'll take a critical, inquiry-based approach to the social construction of gender in its personal, political, and economic contexts. The course is organized as a class-wide research project that involves a reflexive essay about your own gender identity, structured interviews with peers, and the design of a survey that investigates the range of gender identities at Oxy. Through this research process, you will gain experience in analytical writing about different kinds of social data (qualitative and quantitative), be introduced to some basic principles of survey design and data analysis, and critically evaluate the problems and significance of quantifying human identity and experience.


