ENGR 100 Orientation to Engineering

Students are introduced to engineering as a career, the different engineering majors, and the professional practices and ethical conduct required by the engineering profession. Students will practice working collaboratively as a team to analyze engineering problems and effectively communicate solutions. The focus will be on preparing students for engineering, describing what engineering is, and identifying skills and resources which will enable the student to be successful in their chosen engineering major and future career.




Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Investigate and compare the different engineering disciplines and their related professional activities to inform the choice of a major. Identify and utilize tools and resources that help the student to succeed in their engineering education and develop an academic plan for their chosen major. Identify companies that hire engineers in their chosen engineering major and begin development of a professional resume and portfolio targeted towards potential future employers. Work as part of a team to collaboratively analyze an engineering problem and design a solution by applying engineering critical thinking and informed decision making. Define engineering as a profession, understand and apply professional codes of conduct and relate them to ethical practices in the field. Engage in team activities to establish goals, meet objectives, assess performance, and effectively communicate results through written, oral, and/or poster presentations.