ED 101A Introduction to Education: Practicum and Seminar

Includes observation of children and teachers in an elementary or secondary classroom setting. College students assist the teacher as appropriate and spend six hours each week in the classroom and one hour each week in seminar. Appropriate for students with limited prior experience with children or in a structured teaching setting. Must be arranged one term in advance. Required: Students who enroll in ED 101A Practicum and Seminar are required to submit proof they meet Oregon measles immunization requirements for community college education practicums. Students can also claim a medical or a nonmedical exemption due to personal, religious or philosophical reasons by submitting the Oregon Health Authority required documents. Recommended: ED 216 Purpose, Structure, and Function of Education in a Democracy or HDFS 225 Infant and Child Development before taking this class. This course is repeatable for credit.




Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Reflect on the practicum experience for purposes of career confirmation and identify next steps in personal education plan. Describe a classroom environment that is safe, inclusive, and equitable for all learners. Identify bias and diversity issues in the teaching environment. Describe effective teaching practices for student engagement and success. Apply and practice professional, ethical/legal knowledge and behavior.