CRS 133 Medical Terminology and Body Systems III

Prepares the student to list major specialties in medicine, allied health, and their qualifications as well as their contribution to the overall health care system. Covers acute and chronic body system diseases, processes, and failures addressed by these major specialties and branches of allied health; as well as common treatment modalities for each system and how these might change throughout the lifespan.  




Career Technical Education (CTE) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Describe the normal scope of practice of the following disciplines: Pediatrics, Diagnostic Imaging, Oncology, Pharmacology, Mental Health and Gerontology. Analyze treatment modalities and diagnostic measures for the follow disciplines: Pediatrics, Diagnostic Imaging, Oncology, Pharmacology, Mental Health and Gerontology. Demonstrate the coordination and necessary care planning for chronic disease management in all body systems.