HV3. 295 Power Train Systems

Studies include power train terminology, theory and operation, driveshaft function and construction, maintenance practices, power train schematics, troubleshooting and failure analysis, and component rebuild and replacement. Students will use electronic resources such as John Deere Service Advisor and Cat SIS technical manuals to perform required tasks.




Prerequisite: Placement into ALS 100 Applied Learning Strategies or higher, and placement into WR 095 College Writing Fundamentals or higher, and placement into MTH 060 Introduction to Algebra or higher.


Offered Fall only


Career Technical Education (CTE) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Employ safe lifting and rigging procedures. Illustrate power flow through equipment system components. Calculate gear ratios and mechanical advantage. Measure gear train preload, end-play and backlash. Troubleshoot power-shift transmissions.