ART 210 Women In Art

Women in Art is an investigation of the roles, education and experiences of women in the art world from prehistory to the present. This course includes a study of the representation of women in art, women's access to education, training, and public exposure as artists. A survey of women artists, from the Middle Ages to the present, is the foundation upon which the issues above will be studied.




Prerequisite: WR 115 Introduction to College Writing with a C or better


Offered Winter Spring only


Lower Division Transfer (LDT) Course


Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Articulate verbally and in writing an understanding of the significance of art created by women relative to their societies. Identify and describe verbally and in writing, specific two and three-dimensional works of art, created by women from the Middle Ages onward, using appropriate art vocabulary. Articulate verbally and in writing the form and content of specific and significant works of art from the Middle Ages onward from the cultures and women that produced them.