2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Preparation in Music Education

A student who holds a bachelor's degree but who is not certified in music education may apply for acceptance into the graduate certification program. Upon satisfactory completion of a musicianship exam and audition, the student will consult with the chair of the Department of Music in order to establish a planned program for certification. Course work used to gain certification may not be used toward a graduate degree program. Students must meet all requirements for admission to the Professional Program in the School of Education and Professional Studies. For information on admission to the Professional Program, see the School of Education and Professional Studies page, linked here.

In addition to the requirements of the School of Graduate Studies, application to the Department of Music requires the following:

  • A completed application form to the Department of Music
  • An essay*
  • An audition*
  • A theory examination**
  • A personal interview

*For essay and audition requirements, refer to the Department of Music's website at http://www.music.ccsu.edu or call 860-832-2912.

** While this examination is primarily a placement examination, a low score could influence the decision about an applicant's acceptance.