2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Undergraduate Student Leave of Absence Policy

A Leave of Absence is a period of separation from CCSU for up to two consecutive semesters. During this time a student maintains his or her matriculation and is entitled to return to CCSU. The Undergraduate Student Leave of Absence enables students to return after a maximum two-semester absence from campus. Students with this status need not apply for readmission. Students may register for classes during the normal registration period based on cumulative credits earned both in transfer and at CCSU. This policy does not supersede any existing University withdrawal policy. Please note: a University Leave of Absence is not a federally approved Leave of Absence and could impact the grace period for student loan repayment

Students desiring a Leave of Absence must:

  • Be matriculated and enrolled in the semester immediately preceding the Leave of Absence;
  • Address any outstanding financial obligations with the Bursar;
  • Have no disciplinary action pending.

Leave of Absence Process:

  • Forms are available at Registrar's Website
  • Complete the Leave of Absence Application and return it to the Office of the Registrar.

As required on the Leave of Absence request form, students must complete the following before the Leave of Absence goes into effect:

  • Students living on campus must contact the Office of Residence Life.
  • International students must contact the Center for International Education to insure that all legal documents are in order.

Status while on a Leave of Absence:

  • Each semester an email of related materials will be sent to all students on a leave of absence.
  • The student is eligible to enroll without question upon completion of the leave of absence.
  • The student will be reported to all outside agencies as not currently enrolled.
  • The student will not be entitled to access or privileges held by enrolled students.

Upon return to CCSU, the student will comply with the requirements toward his or her degree as identified in the catalog at the time the student originally matriculated, unless other exceptions had been previously authorized. Requirements to Return:

  • The student need only register for the upcoming semester.
  • Failure to return to active status during the semester designated on the Leave of Absence application will necessitate that the student apply for reactivation and pay the appropriate fees to Admissions at a later date when he/she chooses to return to CCSU.