2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Consequence of Academic Misconduct

On May 10, 2010, the CCSU Faculty Senate approved a new policy regarding the disciplinary procedures for academic misconduct. This policy applies to both undergraduate and graduate students, with the following exceptions:

  • Attending an Academic Misconduct Workshop will not be considered as a sanction for graduate students.
  • When an incident of academic misconduct involves a graduate student, the Dean of Graduate Studies, rather the Dean of the academic program, should receive a copy of the Academic Misconduct Report.
  • The specifics of the policy and all relevant forms can be found at www.ccsu.edu/AcademicIntegrity. As an overview, when a student is suspected of academic misconduct, the instructor shall attempt to meet with the student to discuss the alleged misconduct and the sanction he or she intends to impose. Sanctions for academic sanction should be commensurate with the severity of the misconduct. These sanctions may include one or more of the following: a reduced grade for the assignment in question, the opportunity to revise the assignment or complete additional course work, a grade of F for the assignment in question, a grade of F for the course.
  • Instructors are encouraged to file an Academic Misconduct Report for all violations, especially when the sanction involves a failing grade for the course and/or if the Instructor believes that further disciplinary sanctions (e.g., disciplinary probation, suspension, or expulsion) are warranted. If the student feels unjustly accused, he or she may appeal to the chairperson of the department in which the alleged misconduct occurred. If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the department chairperson, he or she may submit a formal appeal to the Office of Student Conduct requesting review by a Faculty Hearing Board. A Faculty Hearing Board also would be convened in cases for which the student has a prior academic misconduct violation and in cases for which the instructor recommends disciplinary sanctions.