Smoking Policy

As an institution of higher education, Rockland Community College recognizes its responsibility to provide education to our students on matters of good health. Consequently, upon the recommendation of the RCC Faculty Senate and the RCC Student Government Association, effective September 1, 2009, the entire campus environment was designated as Smoke-Free to thereby provide a healthier environment for the College community. Effective September 1, 2009, smoking is prohibited in all buildings and all grounds of Rockland Community College.

Smoking, defined as the inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying of any lighted or heated cigar, pipe or cigarette, including but not limited to traditional or electronic cigarettes or similar devices on the College premises. College premises are defines as: all buildings, facilities and grounds owned, used, leased, operated, controlled or supervised by the College. This includes, but is not limited to the parking lots, all areas in and around campus buildings, and adjacent areas such as the cemeteries.