2020-2021 Catalog

MAC 145 Introduction to Digital Media and Culture

Born Digital, Growing Up Digital, Teaching Digital Natives, Understanding the Digital Generation ... these are just some of the titles in a veritable explosion of guidebooks on how thinking, learning, and doing have changed in a world transformed by digital, networked, and social media. In this 100-level gateway course, we take a critical look at the theories and prophesies on the "Net Gen"; we explore and assess new digital possibilities for communicating, teaching, and learning; and we think critically, contextually, and historically about the ways in which new media forms and practices shape identity, community, sociality, creativity, privacy, civic engagement, and everyday life. Class projects will enable students to experiment with, and gain, practical experience applying a range of media 2.0 technologies to their own academic work. Students intending to major in Media Arts & Culture must complete two gateway courses by the end of the sophomore year, with grades of C+ or better. Gateway courses are not required for the MAC minor. This course is not open to Juniors or Seniors. 


4 units