2020-2021 Catalog

CTSJ 398 Social Justice Practicum

Working with a CTSJ faculty member, students will select an internship site whose mission is to address matters of inequality and social justice.  The Department has a list of organizations where students can inquire about internships. Students who would like to intern at an organization will have to petition the department with a letter of support from the organization. The practicum experience will be evaluated by their field supervisor, the faculty liaison, and by the completion of the Social Justice Practicum Handbook. In addition to the internship responsibilities, students will participate in regular meetings with the instructor and attend class meetings.  Additionally, they will complete a social justice practicum handbook, which requires deep reflection that brings the internship experiences in dialogue with critical theories related to matters of social justice.  Students may participate in internships as individuals, pairs, or small groups, depending on the needs of the organizations. Open only to Critical Theory & Social Justice majors with sophomore standing or above.


4 units