2020-2021 Catalog

COGS 390 The State of Science: Integrity, Ethics, and Statistics in Research

A recent replication crisis in the sciences has led to large-scale questioning centered on scientific integrity. Scientific integrity refers to 1) honesty while conducting and interpreting research, and 2) to developing conclusions that are unbiased and valid. Contemporary practices in research design and statistical analysis (e.g. p-hacking), lack of transparency, and political bias are all threats to scientific integrity. This course introduces and engages students conducting directed research with a faculty member in the Cognitive Science Department in best practices and ethical concerns in scientific research through evaluating primary research and commentaries within cognitive science and statistics, as well as by evaluating and critiquing the literature in their area of research focus. Students are expected to commit to a minimum of 8 hours of course-work each week including a course meeting, assigned group work, readings, and independent research.


2 units


COGS 101, COGS 201, and permission of instructor