2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Student Rights and Responsibilities

2. Student Rights and Responsibilities:

a. It is the responsibility of each student to become familiar with what constitutes academic dishonesty and plagiarism and to avoid all forms of cheating and plagiarism as directed by their individual instructors.

b. If a student can demonstrate that they have been unjustly accused of academic misconduct, they have the right to appeal the allegation to the Chair of the Department in which the alleged misconduct occurred. The appeal to the Department Chair must be made using the Academic Misconduct Student Appeal Form within seven (7) University calendar days of receipt of the Instructor's written decision and should include substantial evidence supporting the student’s appeal or suggesting that the Instructor’s standard was applied unfairly. The Department Chair shall respond to the student’s appeal in writing within ten (10) University Calendar Days of its receipt and meet with the student during a mutually convenient time. The Department Chair shall also forward a copy of the Appeal Form with an indication of their ruling to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

c. If upon a receipt of the ruling by the Department Chair the Accused Student still believes they have been unjustly accused, they may contact the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities within seven (7) University calendar days to request a hearing of the Faculty Hearing Board.

d. A Student who has been notified that they have been accused of academic misconduct shall not be permitted to withdraw from the course in which the alleged misconduct has occurred without the approval of the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.