2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Course Numbering System

The following numbering system is used by Central Connecticut State University for Undergraduate and Graduate Courses 001-099 Non-credit courses and developmental courses 100 Search courses (undergraduate credit) 101-199 Courses open to first-year students, and in general to all undergraduate students 200-299 Courses open to sophomores, and in general to all undergraduate students 300-399 Courses open to juniors, and in general to sophomores, juniors, and seniors Courses numbered under 400 may be applied toward teacher certification and official certificate programs when recommended by the advisor but will not be approved for inclusion in a degree program. 400-499 Courses open to seniors, and in general to juniors, seniors, and graduate students, when included in the graduate catalog. Additional work is required for graduate students to earn graduate credit. Courses numbered 400 and above may be included in a planned program of graduate study only when they are listed in the graduate catalog and the course description so allows and when approved by the advisor and the dean, School of Graduate Studies. Students may have a maximum of nine credits (and in some cases zero to six, depending on the program) at the 400 level as approved by the program advisor. Graduate students enrolled in 400-level classes are required to do additional work as compared to their undergraduate classmates.