SEC 329 Cloud Practitioner Certificate (CPC) Exam Review

Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Review course is intended for students who have taken the necessary preparatory classes and are ready to sit for the external AWS CCP Exam.  This class will review the necessary knowledge and skills required to pass the exam.  This class will review the overall understanding of the cloud and the basic global infrastructure, cloud architectural and design principles, cloud value proposition, cloud key services and platform (e.g. compute, storage and analytics), Basic and Advanced security and compliance aspects, AWS shared security model, AWS billing, account management, and pricing models, AWS sources of documentation or technical assistance, Basic and Core characteristics of deploying and operating in applications the AWS Cloud.  Students will be presented with various perspectives and scenarios that may be presented as part of the exam including technical, managerial, sales, purchasing, or financial.  Students should have a basic understanding of the AWS services, functions and their uses on the cloud platform.  
