EDU 329 Praxis Preparation Mathematics

This course provides teacher candidates with a comprehensive review of the fundamental concepts of mathematics. It is specifically designed to reduce test anxiety and to provide candidates with support, including personalized feedback about their common mathematical errors. Candidates will receive 15 hours of targeted instruction to help them fully prepare for the Praxis II Math Exam CKT 7813 including strategies for determining what the question is asking; approaches to math questions presented in abstract form; and methods for translating difficult real-world word problems into expressions or equations. Review of the mathematical concepts tested on the Praxis II Mathematics Exam include: I. Counting and Operations with Whole Numbers; II. Place Value and Decimals; III. Fractions, Operations with Fractions, and Ratios: and IV. Early Equations and Expressions, Measurement, and Geometry. Admission to the course will require candidates to show proof of their Praxis II test scores so that the instructors may personalize learning based on the areas of need. If the candidate has not attempted the test, he/she will be encouraged to take the test within the first four weeks.  Candidates will be required to attend one Saturday session from 9-11am.  All other meeting times will be coordinated with individual members of the course.
