CUL 411 Food: Art and Custom: International

This course is designed to develop an understanding of the evolution of some international cuisines, and the relationship between the cuisines and their geography and social history. While experiencing a number of traditional elements of dishes from these countries through trips to area restaurants and interacting with presenters, students will learn to differentiate and compare flavor profiles, tastes and customs surrounding the food preparations in order to identify signature elements of those cuisines. In addition to visiting some area restaurants during the course, students must complete weekly assignments, which may include reflection essays, book reviews, cooking at home, or other assignments.  All students must be over 21 years of age, and have no food allergies or cultural food prohibitions that might prevent them from fully participating in the food and drink offerings or required preparations.Students must have no food allergies or cultural food prohibitions which would prevent them from fully participating in the food offerings or preparations required. Lab fee required.

