2020-2021 Catalog

CSP 14 Nature from the Inside Out

In this course students will study the writing and rhetoric of nature and wanderlust, with particular emphasis on California as a place of exceptional natural beauty and a locus of adventure in the cultural imagination. We will read literature, critical theory, scientific texts, and culture writing in order to explore nature from the inside out--in other words, from individual affective and psychological relationships to nature to the broader effects of nature on culture and identity. In keeping with our theme, we will not only study these ideas inside our virtual classroom; we will also incorporate our own individual adventures in nature, in California or elsewhere. Hand-in-hand with the study of nature, this course will provide intensive training in writing at the college level, with assignments designed to deepen your understanding of our course topics while focusing on specific elements of successful academic writing. This CSP is part of the California Environment & Conservation Corps Oxy Immersive Semester. All seats will be reserved for students who followed the enrollment instructions on the Oxy Immersive Semester page.


4 units


Open only to first year frosh