2020-2021 Catalog

ARTS 228 Book Arts: The Handprinted Book

Book Arts: The Handprinted Book is a hybrid book making, research, writing and collaborative art making course. Students will advance their knowledge of letterpress printing by researching, planning, designing, and producing a handprinted artist book. The course will address narrative sequencing, page layout and design, type as graphic innovative and/or image-making, methods for the Vandercook Press, and the structure of the book. Each course iteration will address a theme, integrating book making techniques with theoretical readings, collaborations with faculty and departments from across the College, and primary research in Special Collection the Moore Zoology Lab and other campus collections. The course is will also examine the current state of the book in the context of 20th and 21st century artist book design and production.


4 units


ARTS 227 or permission of instructor

Core Requirements Met

  • Fine Arts