2017-2018 Catalog

SOC 395 Special Topics in Sociology

This course will function as an advanced seminar focusing on the research interests of the Sociology Department's faculty. The seminar is research and writing intensive. Los Angeles Field Research - KCET. This course investigates the theory and methods of sociological field research in the setting of Los Angeles. We consider positivist interpretive and critical research paradigms. We explore the ethics of field research with respect to issues such as role authority and power. We learn interview protocols how to write field notes how to analyze data and techniques of storytelling in ethnographic writing. We explore classic field-based studies of Los Angeles communities. Students will do field interviews with members of artistic cultural community environmental or social movement organizations based in Los Angeles. Transcribed interviews and photographs will be published in online features by KCET-Departures the Internet media unit of the public television station.


4 units