2018-2019 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Continuing Registration Fee (CREG)

During fall and spring semesters in which no courses work is taken, matriculated graduate students involved in completing Theses (Plan A), Comprehensive Examinations (Plan B), or Special Projects (Plan C or E) must register for a zero-credit course, CREG 001. Registration for the course requires a fee of $40.00 plus the standard Registration Fee. All students registered for the course are entitled to any services provided to matriculated students. A matriculated graduate student completing a capstone but taking no other course work who does not register for CREG 001 will be withdrawn and lose his/her matriculation status. Matriculated graduate students withdrawn for this reason will have to re-apply using the Graduate Re-Enrollment form and pay a Re-enrollment Fee of $50 to regain their matriculation. They will also need to register for CREG 001 for the semester of re-enrollment. The length of time to obtain a graduate degree will remain at six years from the first course taken that applied to the planned program of study.