2015-2016 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Admission Appeals with a Cumulative GPA between 2.40-2.69

Applicants who are denied admission to graduate programs at Central Connecticut State University may request reviews of these decisions through an appeal process. In most cases, a minimum GPA of 2.40 is required to be eligible to appeal.

A student may appeal for conditional admission, provided the following conditions are met.

  1. The student has an undergraduate GPA between 2.40 and 2.69.
  2. The student has a graduate GPA of 3.00 for all coursework.
  3. For the student who has taken courses at the graduate level, but who does not meet the minimum undergraduate GPA of 2.70, the quality points of credits for graduate level courses will be added to the quality points of the undergraduate GPA to compute the total GPA, which needs to fall in the range of 2.40-2.69.
  4. The department of application agrees in advance to make a conditional admittance for the student.

Students may request a review of the denial decision, in writing , to the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean, School of Graduate Studies; they may include additional academic information (such as scores from standardized tests, grades in recent courses, or letters of recommendation) not submitted with the original application.

Depending on the nature of the appeal, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean, School of Graduate Studies will consult with the academic department to which admission is sought, as well as with the Graduate Appeals Committee when applicable, before making a decision.